You Shall Not Murder

The following is from this wonderful blog:  It is reposted by permission.  May it bless you!


Lessons Part 3: You Shall Not Murder

Early this morning I woke up praying and pleading for the lives of unborn babies whose voices cannot be heard. I asked God to move on the hearts and minds of those who would see fit to make their way out to "Choices" the local abortuary. The workers at the clinic, the doctor who shows up in a new luxury vehicle every Saturday, the young women who show up alone (though they weren't alone when they got pregnant), and the cowardly men who blindly come with some women and shirk their responsibility of protecting those same women. I prayed that Christ would grant them the gift of repentance, that He would allow them to believe the Gospel, that their lives would be forever changed. What I didn't realize was a young lady who is 7 weeks pregnant, was also praying...pleading with Jesus to send someone to "Choices" to stop her from doing what she knew she shouldn't do, despite her big sister's efforts to put pressure on murder her unborn child.

I was there with my little sister Khadijah, Pastor Adam Gray and his wife and seven children, Jason, Christine and her little one Jaden, Ms. Lea a determined senior saint, and Chris a brother who goes all over trying to persuade others to believe the Gospel. We also had a Roman Catholic visitor out at "Choices" today with a flag with the virgin Mary on it, walking the line praying the rosary. We know God can use anyone, so we welcome his efforts regardless of how misled the origin of said efforts may be, however I won't go into it...that is a whole other blog post :-). Some of us were there at 8:30AM others came at different times, but we prayed before we proceeded with ministry. Pastor Gray began by preaching the Gospel and pleading with the workers who were already inside setting up to open at 9AM. Several cars drove by during this time. Khadijah and I were able to minister to one of the clinic workers one on one. We shared law and Gospel with her, pleaded with her to find employment elsewhere, for several minutes. But when it became apparent that there was no real outward conviction we let her know that we wouldn't hold her anymore, that we would be praying for her and her coworkers. We gave her several tracts to share with those on the inside of the clinic, and I specifically let her know that we all will spend an eternity in one of two places, heaven or hell. I personally cannot condemn her but because of her dogged determination to suppress the truth in unrighteousness (Rom 1:18-32) I let her know she was already condemned (Matt 3:18).

Shortly after that exchange a young lady who had gone to the back of "Choices" to wait for the doors to open, drove back out about fifteen minutes later. On her way in she took some information from Lea about the Crisis Pregnancy Center in Norfolk (Keim Center) and after she read it and heard Chris preaching the Gospel and trying to persuade those in the back to come out, she reappeared crying. We guided her car over to the side and Khadijah and I approached the car to minister to her. We couldn't proceed though because the young lady was so upset all we could do is begin to pray. Once we prayed she stopped crying and I asked her, why was she at the clinic today, what was the reason for her visit? She said she was coming for an abortion and that she was seven weeks but she didn't want to do it. The young lady expressed how she had pleaded with God to send someone to stop her from doing it early this morning. As she continued to wipe more tears she shared with us how her older sister had been putting immense pressure on her to abort her baby because it would be "too hard." Her sister spoke against Christ and His church by exclaiming, "the Christians will just judge you when you begin to show, you are only 20 years old... you should just go ahead and have the procedure and repent...God would forgive you." We were very sad to hear that her parents had both gone on to be with the last year and the other the year before, and her big sister was all she pretty much had. Praise God she shared how her parents were Christians, and how they taught her about Christ and told her that they believed abortion was wrong. This young lady knows that "you shall not murder" includes unborn babies as well (Ex 20:13). Yet even with how their parents attempted to disciple them in the things of the Lord, Christ had not called her sister to faith and though her big sister had been taught the truth, she still tried to convince her not to have the baby. Now mind you, this woman has a college degree, a steady job, and the father of the baby standing with her and saying he wanted to keep the baby, she still considered giving in to her sister. The entire time as she spoke all I could think was wow this woman is ministering to US! She is telling us what we intended to approach the vehicle and say to HER! It was amazing the amount of conviction and clarity Christ gave her as she listened to the Word of the Lord go forth, as she waited in the parking lot in the back. How Christ brought to her remembrance what her parents instilled in her and gave her the strength to stand on those precepts when she needed to the most.

It was no small coincidence that we (the entire group) were out at the clinic on this 4th Saturday of the month and that was the day she showed up. I believe God answered her prayers and was so very gracious to her in so many ways. You see her big sister cannot have children, because she had an abortion years ago that was botched, and left her infertile. Today Christ gave this young woman a way out (1 Corin 10:13) this was clear. He gave her the strength to take advantage of the chance to not to murder her child like her sister did years ago and risk suffering a similar outcome.

We exchanged numbers, contact information, and information on our church, Calvary Revival Church Chesapeake, with our new friend and sister in Christ. We began the arrangements to make sure she could get back and forth to her prenatal appointments. Finally we made sure she knew that she was loved and not only that, because she had truly repented, forgiven for her sins against Christ, and that she should not allow ANYONE to condemn her for what Christ has already forgiven.

Please continue to pray for "A" and her big sister. That this young woman will grow in her relationship with Christ and that she would allow us to assist her with anything that she needs so that she can have this baby and raise the baby in the discipline and instruction of the Lord. Ultimately that her big sister would come to know the Lord and support "A" in her decision to keep the baby. Pray for the clinic worker that we preached the Gospel to who rejected the message. Pray for another couple that left but did not speak with us. Pray for an Asian couple that came to abort their unborn baby because they already had two children and felt that they could not handle another. Pastor Gray ministered to that couple and is currently working to make sure we can connect with them and walk with them as well.

Please pray that all involved that are not saved, would be granted repentance by the Holy Spirit, and come to know Christ as Lord AND Savior through the Gospel.. We always want to try to stand in the gap for voiceless babies who cannot cry out or speak for themselves, however we want to make the Gospel known to the lost as well. That Jesus Christ came and died in our place, while we were yet His enemies, because of our sin. That He rose again on the 3rd day and is sitting at the right hand of the Father and because of His sacrifice many have been redeemed and according to His sovereign will alone, many more will repent and come to know Him as well (1 Corin 15:1-5). He now commands those of us who have been saved to share the Truth and make disciples of all nations (Matt 28:18-20). My prayer is that if you are in the area or live close by that you will join us every 4th Saturday at 8:30AM at 891 Norfolk Sq, Norfolk, VA. Feel free to contact Pastor Adam Gray at Albermarle Reformed Church in Elizabeth City, NC as well.

Finally, we are all so very grateful and thankful to Christ and we praise Him alone and He alone gets the glory for the lives that were saved today. Please be encouraged by this testimony and I pray that it would reduce you to love others enough to take action, and to be bold in speaking the Truth.

