FAQ — Calvary Reformation Church

How can I become a member of your church?

CRCC Membership

We are excited about welcoming you into our fellowship!  Below is our membership process. We believe every member of the Body of Christ should also be connected through membership to a local church. The church is where we come together to worship Christ, where you are taught the Scriptures and held accountable so you can grow, and where you develop Godly friendships and begin to express your gifts. It is where you partake in the Lord's Supper and where you experience baptism. It is where the saints are equipped to fan out and impact the world with the Gospel! The church is a big deal! So it is our desire to get to know you and make sure you know us too prior to covenant membership. I look forward to spending some time talking with you and your family!

Carlton C. McLeod
Senior Pastor

Becoming a member of Calvary Revival Church Chesapeake is a 3-step process.

Step 1

Fill out the membership application below (or request a hard copy from our office).

Step 2

Membership Interview with Dr. McLeod (or a designated leader). You will be contacted within one week of submitting your application online to set your appointment.  Please call 757-548-4673 (HOPE) if you do not receive your call.

Step 3

Attend and complete Covenant Life Class.

Does CRCC specialize in any particular areas of ministry?

Yes we do. Although every biblical church should do a few things well (worship God, reach out to hurting people, minister to the community, disciple and train through excellent preaching and teaching, encourage fellowship), we do have what some would call "ministry distinctives" or "thrusts":

  1. Solid Hermeneutics - the Right Perspective
    • A solid belief that the Bible is God’s Word and a real understanding that His Word is about Him and not us gives us the right worldview.
    • From here, we passionately study Scripture and just as passionately do what it says.
    • Our way of interpreting Scripture puts the focus back on God and what He loves and wants!
    • This is world changing!!!!!
  2. Contentment & Integrity- the Right Heart
    • An acceptance that character is more important than success, that "how" is just as important as "what," that who we are on the inside is more important to God than what we have on the outside is critical!
    • We are attempting to release men and women of integrity into the Kingdom…people who are not ashamed to live by God’s Word as it is without manipulation!
    • These kinds of people will give of themselves but stuff isn’t that important! These kinds of people will see their lives as an offering for Christ! These kinds of people will not spend their days in pursuit of pleasures, but will live a "poured-out" life!!!! 
    • This is world-changing!!!!!!!!!!!
  3. "Jesus is Enough" – the Right Path
    • What else is there? What else can be the message of Christ’s church other than Christ?
    • If we want to change the world, we cannot do it through the power of business, or the power of sports, or the power of marketing, or the power politics. These things are important to be sure; but disconnect them from the power of Jesus Christ and they lose their Kingdom power!
    • People who understand that this whole thing is about Christ are world-changers!
    • He alone is the source of our salvation, our joy, our peace, or hope, and our ministry. He alone is "the Word" who was with God and is God! And He is coming back to judge!
  4. Financial Peace and Debt Freedom – the Right Preparation
    • This is HUGE!!!! I pray you do not think we push so hard here for a BMW or better house.
    • Momentum asks: "What could the people of God do for the Kingdom of God if they were debt free?"
    • How many children could you feed? How many orphanages could you support? How many people could you put through college? How many single parents could you bless?
    • Enough already debt for stuff!!!! Your resources need to be free for the KINGDOM!
    • But please understand, there is no certain "point" you have to get to to begin be a blessing. Begin now!
    • Financially strong, Kingdom-minded people are world-changers!!!!!!! They impact the Kingdom with money and glorify God!
  5. Marriage and Family and Discipling our Children – the Right Foundation
    • In most situations, good ministry flows from a solid home life.
    • Not only that, but as we’ve discussed many times recently, we are called to raise Godly children. How can we change the world if we can’t change our homes?
    • So we push and push for singles, married’s, and parents to:
      • Obey God’s word on marriage, single-life and family
      • Live in purity, pushing worldly and ungodly influences out of our homes
      • Develop a family covenant
      • Have family devotions and worship
      • Catechize the children
      • Serve together
    • This will change the world!!!! Can you imagine unleashing radically saved children into the Kingdom? I CAN!
  6. Apologetics and Evangelism – the Right Focus
    • Share the Gospel! Preach the Gospel! Teach the Gospel! No MORE FEAR!
    • Open your home! Be hospitable!! Change the world!
    • Keep seeking to understand the Word and know how to defend it. It IS under assault.
    • We cannot change the world if we hold the most precious news in creation to ourselves.
    • Gospel preachers (YOU!!) change the world!
  7. Missions, and ministry to widows and orphans – the Right Ministry
    • By this we know love, that he laid down his life for us, and we ought to lay down our lives for the brothers. But if anyone has the world's goods and sees his brother in need, yet closes his heart against him, how does God's love abide in him? Little children, let us not love in word or talk but in deed and in truth. By this we shall know that we are of the truth and reassure our heart before him. (1Jn 3:16-19 ESV)
    • Learn to do good; seek justice, correct oppression; bring justice to the fatherless, plead the widow's cause. (Isa 1:17 ESV)
    • Can you imagine something closer to God’s heart; that reflects the ministry heart of Christ more?

Does CRCC have a children's or teen's ministry? What about a nursery?

After a long look at what the Bible says about church-based youth ministry (it says...well....nothing by the way), and the fact that the church in America is losing 70-88% of its youth after their freshman year of college (despite all of our programs), we decided to make some changes. We have come to the conclusion that the overall effectiveness of the church-based separate classroom model for youth evangelism and discipleship has not worked. Therefore, CRCC has ended age segregation on Sunday mornings, in our Care Groups, and in most of our ministries. Instead, we have shifted towards a more biblical model where children are welcomed into our services, parents are encouraged and expected to oversee what their children are learning, use pulpit messages as opportunities to teach their children at their level, and simply take full responsibility for discipling their own children (Deuteronomy 6; Ephesians 6). So yes we do have a youth ministry....Parents! Please review our detailed thoughts on this subject and what some of our parents had to say about it at the links below:

What can I expect at a CRCC church service?

We are in the process of considering the Regulative principle of Worship. This simply means we are trying to align every part of our worship services towards Christ, ensuring He alone is being glorified. We currently use praise anthems and hymns for our normal services. We also pray as a congregation, read Scripture, and preach and teach the Word. The majority of our teaching is expository, or line by line.

What Kind of church is CRCC? What do you believe?

We are a nondenominational, Evangelical church. We believe that:

  1. The Holy Scriptures, comprised of Old and New Testaments, are fully and verbally inspired by God and are therefore infallible in the original writings and completely trustworthy in all areas in which they speak. Their central salvation message and essential teachings are clear and accessible to all who follow the standard and self-evident rules of literary interpretation. They are therefore the supreme, unmediated, and final authority of faith and practice for every believer.
  2. There is only one eternal, almighty and perfect God. Within the Being of this one true God exist three eternally distinct and coequal Persons: the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. These three Persons are the one true God.
  3. Jesus Christ is the eternal Son of God, the Second Person of the Trinity, who took upon Himself human flesh through the miraculous conception by the Holy Spirit in the womb of the Virgin Mary. He who is true God became true man, uniting two natures in one person forever. Christ lived a perfect, sinless life, died on the cross as an atoning sacrifice for our sins, rose bodily from the dead, and ascended into Heaven where He now serves as our High Priest, our only Mediator. He will return bodily and visibly to the earth as King of kings and will judge every human being who has ever lived.
  4. The Holy Spirit is the eternal Third Person of the Triune God, the Regenerator and Sanctifier of the redeemed, the Bestower of spiritual fruit and gifts, and the abiding Advocate who empowers believers for godly living and service.
  5. In Adam human beings were created in the image of God (i.e., they share in a finite way the communicable attributes of God, including personality, spirituality, rationality, and morality). Through the fall of Adam that image of God in humanity has been defiled, although not eradicated. Every human being is radically corrupt and estranged from God. Human beings are condemned by God because of their descent into sin, both through their relationship to Adam and through individual choice. The desperate need of humanity is forgiveness of sins and consequent restoration of fellowship with God; yet humans remain totally unable to atone for and restore themselves.
  6. Jesus' death on the cross provided a penal substitutiary atonement for the sins of humanity. In salvation we are rescued from God's wrath by His unmerited grace alone, through faith alone, on account of Christ alone.
  7. Those who have received the free gift of salvation will be raised from the dead or raptured (snatched up from their earthly lives) to meet Christ at His Second Coming, and their bodies will be transformed like unto His glorious, immortal body. They will live forever in the fellowship and Kingdom of God in a new heaven and a new earth. Eternal, conscious punishment apart from the fellowship and Kingdom of God (hell) is the ultimate destiny of unredeemed humanity, Satan, and his entire angelic host.
  8. The Christian church, which is the body and bride of Christ, is composed of all persons who through saving faith in Jesus Christ have been regenerated by the Holy Spirit. Corporately and individually, its members strive to worship, serve, and glorify God through prayer and praise, diligent study and application of the Scriptures, evangelism, sanctified living, good works, and observance of the rites of baptism and the Lord's Supper. The ultimate mission of the church is the discipleship of all nations - not only the saving of souls (which is primary) but also the bringing of the gospel to bear on every aspect of life and thought - until the Lord returns.